How do I order a Training Program ?
To be able to purchase Training Program(s), you first need to create an account. To do so, navigate to the login / my-account page. Once your account is created, you’ll be able to order training programs through the Shop page.
In addition, you will receive an automated email with your password for further connection to your account on
If you pay through the order button, processing is automated and you will get instant access to the purchased Training Program(s).
To access the online Training(s), once the order is completed, click on the “Training details” button on the Shop page, in the row related to the newly purchased Training Program.
Under each module, you will see a “Visit” button, that will lead you to the related module on the Training application.
If the visit button does not show up, please try to disconnect from your account and re-login with the credentials you received.
Should I create a Company account (B2B) or an Individual account (B2C) ?
If you plan to purchase only one license of each Training Program, then pick B2C (which is the default account type).
If, on the other hand, you would like to purchase trainings for your organization and manage multiple user accounts, then you should select B2B as account type.
I need an invoice with my VAT number ?
Should you need an invoice with your company VAT/ registration number, when you order new Training Programs, make sure to fill in the VAT number section on the checkout page.
Once the order is confirmed, you’ll be able to download your invoice in the My Account page, under the Order section.
I have received a discount coupon. How should I use it ?
If you have received a coupon, you should qualify for a discount.
When you purchase one or more Training Programs, make sure to use your coupon before checking out.
On the Cart page, just below the form showing the list of products currently in the cart, at the bottom left, there is an input area you can fill in with the coupon code. Make sure to apply the related discount by clicking on the button “Apply coupon”.
Some restriction might apply on coupon. During checkout, the validity of the coupon is verified. The discount is automatically applied in case of success.
In any case, please remember that a coupon is strictly personal and cannot be passed on to another person.
Can I buy several trainings for my employees ?
Yes, you can.
In order to buy several licenses, you first need to create the adequate number of user accounts that relate to your customer account.
This can be achieved here :
Use the “+ New multiaccount” button on the top right of the form, and make sure to fill in the personal details of the employee. Repeat this operation as many times as the amount of employees who will need to access the Training Programs.
Once you have created the accounts for your employees, with every purchase, the quantity (number of licenses) will match the amount of employees.
What if an employee has left the organization ?
We have a No Refund Policy since the service (Training Program access) is delivered and can be used immediately.
However, each time you purchase a new Training Program, you do it for the number of multiaccounts you created.
If someone left your organization, it is therefore important to remove the related multiaccount from your list of employees.
- Go to the Multi Accounts page in your dashboard
- Click on the ‘Edit account’ on the box related to the employee you want to remove;
- Use the “Delete multiaccount” button on the bottom left of the form to remove the account.
What if I want to add an employee after I have purchased several Training Programs?
In order to provide access to each Training Program you purchased to all of your employees, the amount of licenses should always match the number of multiaccounts you have created.
If you have already purchased some Training Programs, the related buttons on the shop page for adding those to your Cart are no longer available.
So, if you want to provide new employees with the same Training Programs:
- First, add the new employee(s) through Account Dashboard > Multi Accounts
- Then go to the shop page ( : you’ll notice a “Buy more” button allowing you to purchase more licenses.
- Follow the regular purchase process : the quantity of new licenses in your Cart will match the difference between the amount of multiaccounts and the number of licenses you have already purchased.
I have finished a Training, how do I download my certificate?
Once you have completed a Training Program, the “certificate” section is enabled (no longer grayed-out) on the related Training details page, and a “Download my certificate” button allows you to download a PDF version of your certificate.
On the PDF version of your certificate, you’ll also find a Permalink allowing you to share the publicly available online version of your certificate.